Omid Wisdom – Every Day Is God’s Day: The Beat Tape (Instrumental Mixtape)

 Omid Wisdom – Every Day Is God’s Day: The Beat Tape (Instrumental Mixtape)


  1. A New Day
  2. A Walk In The ….Days
  3. Make Your Day Count
  4. Days Are Made of Stories
  5. God Versus Gods… Day
  6. The Day The Lord Has Made
  7. Oh My Days


Sometimes we get tired of words saying too much but in reality not really saying nothing. Every Day Is God’s Day comprises of instrumentals one can vibe to throughout the day. A New Day is one of those beats that reminds one to feel good about a New Day, a powerful way to start the day with this Nina Simone sampled instrumental. A Walk In The Days automatically reminds one of the grittiness each day brings followed by the chilled anxiety free vibes of Make Your Day, encouraging the listener to make the most of the day. Days Are Made Of Stories, sums up what our days are made of ,each of us telling the story of our lives like the griots of the past as we live it. The kora sampled plucks and the animation combines mystery and fun. The Day The Lord Has Made reminds us all that Everyday is..